Together, we can make a great season!

What helps make a great season? Active participation from our athletes, coaches, school administrators... and you! For us to have a successful season, we need parent volunteers for some important roles.
At the beginning of this season, we will hold our annual car wash fundraiser on Saturday, August 24th. We'll need several parent volunteers to help supervise to ensure the event is a success.
Throughout the season, we'll need your help in some critical roles during home match nights. The Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) provides us with certified first and second referees (R1, aka, "up ref" and R2, aka, "down ref") for our home matches, but we also need ticket takers, scorebook keepers, libero trackers, scoreboard tenders, line judges, and announcers. We also need help staffing the concessions booth.
Please review the how-to information below. Let us know how you'd like to help us make a great season. We will be using SignUpGenius to make it easy for you to find an open spot for a certain role on a specific home match date. Click on the logo to see what roles are open to help out.