Meet the teams of the 2000s
The dawn of the new millennium. Track suits, crop tops, daisy dukes, Ugg boots, peasant tops, capri pants, cargo shorts, chunky leather bracelets, the Emo look, and athleisurewear were among the top fashion looks. Hip hop and auto-tune music took over the US charts, and graffiti art moved indoors from the streets to art galleries. Meanwhile, at Washburn HS, the head volleyball coaches of the '00s were: Coach Diane Krueger ('89 - '03), and Coach Steve Johnson ('04 - '11). There were a few other notable moments during this decade, including:
2000: The world celebrates the turning of the millennium (1/1)
2001: Wikipedia is launched (1/15); the twin towers of the World Trade Center in NY are destroyed by an act of terrorism (9/11); the iPod is released (10/23)
2002: Halle Berry becomes the first African American woman to win a Best Actress Academy Award for her performance in Monster's Ball (3/24)
2003: The first global social network, MySpace is launched (8/1); Arnold Schwarzenegger is elected governor of California (11/17) - like his Terminator movie character, he came back for a second term in 2007; the final flight of the supersonic passenger jet, Concorde (11/26)
2004: Facebook is founded (2/4); TV homemaking icon and cookbook legend, Martha Stewart is convicted on felony charges related to illegal stock trading (7/16)
2005: The online video-sharing site, YouTube is launched (2/14); category 5 hurricane Katrina floods New Orleans, LA (8/29)
2006: Twitter is launched, allowing anyone to post and interact with each other in 140-character "mini blogs" (7/15); Pluto is demoted to "dwarf planet" status (8/24)
2007: Nancy Pelosi becomes the first female US Speaker of the House of Representatives (1/4); NASA's New Horizons spacecraft takes updated photographs of Jupiter on its way to Pluto (2/28); Apple releases the iPhone (6/11)
2008: Barack Obama becomes the first African American US President (11/4)
2009: Captain Chesely B. "Sully" Sullivan makes a successful crash landing in New York's Hudson river after the plane was struck by a flock of Canada geese shortly after takeoff from LaGuardia Airport (1/15); Michael Jackson, the "King of Pop" dies; movie and TV actress Farrah Fawcett dies on the same day (6/25); Angry birds are literally launched (12/11)

Slogan: Believe
Slogan: Never, Never, Never QUIT!
Slogan: Nothing Happens Until I Make It Happen